Tips on how to grow climbing roses

Tips on how to grow climbing roses

Roses are beautiful and the perfume of the flowers is very sweet. it will grow rapidly in a sunny garden and needs a place to hang on.

Roses prefer sun, so you should choose place to grow has screened the sun for at least 6 hours 1 day.
Deep and clay soil foam composition, more sunlight and damp areas. Sandy soil should be mixed with fertilizer and organic manure on clay. From seed, the tree is weak, not developed, should be planted with tree seedlings to be better developed.

The planting hole should be deepened, to use the original soil level hit back, watering.
During the dry season should tom morning. Avoid watering the leaves and flowers – could create harmful fungi for flowers.

Organic Fertilizing in the spring, in addition, nitrogen fertilizer must contain phosphor and substances such as potassium to form cotton. From July onwards should not fertilize with nitrogen. September should have more potassium fertilizer to produce red woody plants.

Every year should be cut short again The branches healthy pink to leaving 5 to 8 eyes. The main branch of about 3 to 5 eyes. These sprouts growing from soil to groundwater have been removed completely. In these kinds of pink roses wires clumped together or just trim for less cops.

States should wreak removed with two, three burning leaves. The seeds will sprout create weaken trees and make the flowers flat. For climbing roses should be cut back to the cotton seed from the meager side.
In the spring to cut the old branches, leaving only the young emerge, so will emerge stronger and more valuable flowers.